Academic coaching is a programoffered by the Office of Student Accessibility and Academic Support in the Academic Success Center. The program matches undergraduate students with a trained academic coach who will meet with the student and assist them in their quest to be successful students. Academic coaches are committed to providing outstanding service to our students by utilizing coaching strategies that facilitate the development of each student served.
Coaching focuses on personal development, time management, goal setting, motivation, study skills, resource connection and campus engagement. Understanding that each student is unique, the role of the coach is to guide the student in the discovery process and help the student reach his or her full potential.
- Develop a personal, collaborative relationship with thestudent in a safe and confidential environment.
- Provide support to help the student relate academic andeducational goals to personal and professional goals.
- Encourage the student to achieve self-awareness byidentifying strengths, values, interests, purpose, and
passions. - Identify university resources to enhance both academicsuccess and personal development.
- Assist in developing plans of action and hold studentaccountable to achieve substantial results.
Please schedule your appointment in NAVIGATE using the following instructions
Click on the "Get Assistance" tab.
Select "Academic Support Services" as your Type.
Select "Academic Coaching" as your Service.
Select a time and date that suits your schedule.
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Once you download the app, check out the below guides to schedule appointments and view the drop-in schedule.