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Four undergraduate UT researchers headed to Tallahassee this week to present their findings to legislators, as well as to other college students from around the state, in the second annual Florida Undergraduate Research Posters at the Capitol, held Jan. 20, 2022. The goal is to encourage the visibility and viability of undergraduate research, while also providing high-achieving students a space to engage directly in the political process.
“Undergraduate Research Posters at the Capitol provides our students a chance to talk about their research to legislators, staffers, aides and lobbyists, which is a diverse audience that one wouldn’t typically encounter at an academic conference,” said Eric Freundt, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry and associate professor of biology. “It’s a great opportunity to strengthen [students’] communication skills.”
Those attending from UT were Steven Nye ’22, Pamela Font ’22, Ethan Vallebuona ’23 and Emily Friden ’22, all Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) recipients. The UT SURF grant supports students and faculty engaged in a mentored, intensive research project over the summer.
Nye, a film and media arts major originally from Minneapolis, MN, is conducting ongoing research in the creation of a feature-length documentary on a gymnast’s development in the sport, as well as the decline of men’s collegiate gymnastics over the last 50 years. His interest and initial work on the documentary began six years prior, and since the opportunity to conduct undergraduate research last summer, Nye has been working alongside Christopher Boulton, associate professor of communication.
Font, a psychology major andbiology minor from the Dominican Republic, conducted research with associate professor of psychology Erica Yuen, on methods to reduce stress in college students througha study that compared a two-week, peer-delivered mindfulness meditation with an adult coloring exercise and a control group that just received general stress reduction tips.
Pamela Font ’22 conducted research on methods to reduce stress in college students. Photo courtesy of Pamela Font ’22
Vallebuona, a biochemistry major originally from New York, NY, worked with Pavan Rajanahalli, assistant professor of biology, to develop a new method of isolating human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord tissue. They said this research aims to successfully isolate stem cells directly out of cord tissue into a 3D microenvironment using a biologically compatible material called a hydrogel as a scaffold to mimic physiologically relevant conditions compared to traditional methods in 2D on a plastic dish, which doesn’t accurately mimic how stem cells grow in the human body.
Ethan Vallebuona ’23 researched medical applications to possibly treat patients with chronic inflammatory-related disorders such as Type 2 diabetes or multiple sclerosis. Photo courtesy of the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry
Friden, a marine science-chemistry major from Rochester, NY, conducted her research with associate professor of chemistry Robert Masserini, which focused on red tide and ammonium enrichment in Tampa Bay. More about Friden’s work can be read here, "UT Senior Studies Red Tide."
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