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Students in the Department of Political Science and International Studies (PSIS) have several opportunities to engage with the research process. In addition to the required coursework for the majors, students can collaborate with individual professors and develop their own projects. The Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry offers some grants and travel funding to support these opportunities. Our faculty also are active in pursuing research grants from UT and external sources that can be used to support student assistance. Interested students should talk to PSIS faculty about their specific research interests and opportunities.

Political science and international studies students have presented their research at the University’s undergraduate research day, as well as at regional, national and international conferences including the Florida Political Science Association, Southern Political Science Association and Midwest Political Science Association.

Recent projects include:

Alayna Alaras '21, "Southern Strategy in the Sunshine State: Race-Based Political Appeals in the Rick Scott and Donald Trump Campaigns." Presented at the Florida Political Science Association annual meeting. Liv Coleman, supervisor.

Jessica Bansil, Kimberly Giangrasso, Cady Nessralla '22, and Sophia Pisano. "First Ladies as Institutional Actors." Presented at the Southern Political Science Association annual meeting. Mary Anderson and Jonathan Lewallen, supervisors.

Arianna Ferraro ’20, “Burkinabè Personality Traits and Support for Vigilantism.” Accepted for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting. Kevin Fridy, supervisor.

Haley Hill ’19, Alexis Laroe ’19 and Courtney Wilson ’19, “Women, Confidence, and Politics.” Presented at the Southern Political Science Association annual meeting. Mary Anderson, supervisor.

Julia Ingram ’21, “Class and Access to Governance in Burkina Faso.” Accepted for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting. Kevin Fridy, supervisor.

Cheyenne Lee ’20, “Communication Styles in the U.S. Senate.” Presented at the Southern Political Science Association annual meeting. Jonathan Lewallen, supervisor.

Christina Pasca '21, "Boys and Their Guns: The Effect of Gender on Police Militarization." Presented at the Southern Political Science Association annual meeting. Ryan Welch, supervisor.